Maria's Space: My Life In Pics - Nov 6 - Nov 12

Monday, December 02, 2019

My Life In Pics - Nov 6 - Nov 12

November 6 - Predator alert! Yeah she looks cute but she really just wants to paw at Stormy the Guinea Pig. Jinxy is wondering how to get up there. He doesn't have the ability to jump like most cats.

November 7- NADA...must have been a quiet day

November 8 - One of my students had Chinese food for lunch and as usual the moment I smell it, I need to have it. So dinner was Chinese Food. Honestly it was amazing! I love Chinese food but only allow myself to have it once every other month. Better for my health, waistline, and pocketbook. I only eat half and save the rest for the next day. BTW...the dumplings sucked. Ate one and threw the rest away. Not worth the calories.

November 9 - Took my girl and two friends to the library for a hemp jewelry class. They have 4 more years before they age out of these free classes and I sign her up for everything. This photo cracks me up though. There is a girl sitting next to her whose bun looks like it is part of my daughter's head. So weird.

November 10 - Jinxy! He is a cute boy so I need to share. Plus it is all I have.

November 11 - I was home early so I took this photo to send my husband at work. He had mentioned he had to remove all the dried vines from the deck for the winter. They use to be our Morning Glory plants. Didn't want him to think I was slacking plus it was so beautiful out I really wanted to be outdoors. WIN WIN. The deck looks so dreary after looking so beautiful in the summer.

November 12 - It is so hard to get rid of boxes sometimes. The cats love going into any box that is left near the garbage.  I let them play for a day then it has to go to recycling. There will always be another.

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