Maria's Space: I Must Be Doing Something Right – #2

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

I Must Be Doing Something Right – #2


I Must Be Doing Something Right – #2

As a parent there are many things you want for your kids. You want them to be loved, be good people, be smart, have good values, believe in themselves, etc, etc…I could go on and on about what I want for Handsome and Goddess. My goal for them as siblings is to make them like each other. Make them want to be in each others lives long after they have to.
Children can grow up so differently in the same household. 
When one hurts the other intentionally or not I tell them how they hurt the other and make them apologize and hug each other. I tell make sure they both know when the other has done something wonderful. “He’s a big boy,” She’s a went on the potty,” “Look what he/she made” etc.  If one takes something from the other one and I ask them to please give it back, it is not allowed to be thrown back. It must be handed back nicely. If it is thrown I hand it back to them and ask them to please hand this to your brother/sister.
They definitely think of each other when I hand out snacks. They always take one for the other. I love that about them. I love that they look out for each other.  I love that they hold hands when we walk outside. I love that they encourage each other, “You did it Handsome.” or “Good job Goddess.” I love hearing their conversations. “Handsome, can you get that for me? I can’t reach it.” “You want that Goddess? Ok!” “Thank you Handsome.” “You’re welcome Goddess.” 
I also love walking into the room the other day and seeing this.
 This to me solidifies what I am doing.  I was not in the room. This was not to make me or anyone else happy. This was because they like each other. They are 2 & 4 years old and of course they have fights but I can only hope that the love and respect they have for each other now grows and grows.
Is it possible that they will never have a problem? Of course not, but I hope that if they do, their love for each other will always make them work their issues out.
Ahhh…once in a while it is good to remind yourself that you are doing a good job because sometimes life has a way of just moving along.  I am glad that my eyes are open enough to notice these things.  These little things are some of the most important things in life. 
I love you babies. You are my world and I thank you for always keeping my eyes open and my feet firmly on the ground.   
For more of my Good Mommy Moments come here  

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