Maria's Space: 100 Ways To Be Thankful! By Lisa M. Gerry

Friday, December 06, 2019

100 Ways To Be Thankful! By Lisa M. Gerry

National Geographic Kids Books  100 Ways to Be Thankful (ages 8-12, $9.99).  It’s an eye-opening, eye-catching book featuring  100 creative ways to identify and express gratitude for all that's good in your life. 

Adopting an attitude of gratitude is like developing a super power! Are you grateful for snow days? Do you treasure friends who just get you? Are you thankful for the beautiful mountains, fields, lakes or beaches near your home?  In today's hectic, fast-paced, overscheduled world, so many of us -- including kids -- try to do it all. This book is  packed with positive thoughts, practical ideas, take-action prompts and motivation  on how to be appreciative and pass along kindness. Interviews with National Geographic explorers offer examples of ways to give back. Uplifting quotes and ideas are sure to motivate readers to do more and be more mindful every day, so we all come away with a renewed sense that life is not only pretty great, but something to be truly thankful for.   

The 411:

I have kept a gratitude journal for years. It is a wonderful way to remember all the little things that make up your wonderful life and remind you that it isn't all bad. If you choose to see the good you will always find it! I am a firm believer in that philosophy and raised my children to find the positive in everything. It definitely helps on those difficult days or moments in life. 

This is the perfect book to show children ways to express gratitude and kindness in everything. 

The book has colorful photos, bold, colorful text and the layout is perfect for just picking up and reading whenever you want. You don't need to read cover to cover. Open up whatever page you land on and read. This is perfect for reluctant readers.

Our favorite sections talk about pets and how you can show them you are thankful for them by taking care of them. We work at an animal shelter on weekends because we want every animal to know they are special. We are grateful we are able to volunteer and care for them.  

Check out some of the pages:

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

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