Maria's Space: Webkinz Jr Party (Webkinz for 3-6 Year Olds)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Webkinz Jr Party (Webkinz for 3-6 Year Olds)

My family has been playing Webkinz for three years. We love it, but my daughter who wants of course to be like everyone else, would need someone to sit with her while she played.  This would be fine but in an already busy day this can be difficult.  

When Mom Select was looking for hostess for an In-Home Party starring WEBKINZ Jr., I was psyched. 

What is WEBKINZ? 
Well, WEBKINZ is an online world where children and many adults I know, are able to bring to life a humongous variety of stuffed animals that you can buy from pretty much any retail store that sells toys. It is awesome!  Each pet comes with their own unique code (adoption code) that you enter into the Webkinz adoption center and suddenly your pet is on the screen. There is so much to do there and....if you have a friend who has a Webkinz home, you can visit each other, send notes and gifts, play against each other in a very safe environment.

WEBKINZ Jr. is the sister to the well established WEBKINZ world and was created for ages 3-6.This is the ultimate online game for the youngest of players.

What I personally love the most about WEBKINZ JR. is that while I cook dinner, clean, do laundry or my own blog, the site is so easy to navigate that Goddess can do so without much assistance. I am there to monitor (all parents SHOULD BE monitoring their child at the computer until they are at least, 17). Goddess does not know how to read yet. She can figure out help, play and go on most games but usually gets stuck. Since there is no reading required to play WEBKINZ Jr., most 3-6 year olds can play easily.

The parent can register in 7 easy steps! You can even set your child's skill level.
Your child will love it! They get to actually take care of their pet. Give him a nap, feed him, do some gardening, play with him and then head out to the neighborhood and head over to the school, the playground, or 5 other locations. Many of the games teach preschool- and kindergarten-relevant skills like shapes, letters, and numbers, as well as emotional awareness, map knowledge, and matching skills.

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When Mom Select throws an In-Home Party, they really do it up! The package I received was to die for and they leave nothing out from the pets to give to 10 kids, craft suggestions and the materials, menu suggestions and activities. This is the third Mom Select party we have had and everyone is always amazed at the material provided. It is a hostess dream. Ok, sorry, I digress...where was I?

We invited 8 friends by Facebook invitation. The RSVP's came in right away. Who doesn't want a stuffed animal?

On the day of the party, my niece set up some shots of the goods while I took care of the snacks and game prep.

We made Chillin' Pet Punch (Frozen Cherry Juice, Ginger Al and Pineapple slices).
and Sweet Pet Parfaits (Yogurt, strawberries, pineapple and Graham Crackers layered in a clear drinking glass).

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The morning of the party, 2 kids were sick and another had an out-of-state family emergency. Thankfully, 3 kids showed up which was 5 including my two. They hear party, and my kids want people over! I would have had to invited the retired neighbors over if no one had showed up.

We played a quick game of "meet your pet."  Which basically means all the kids got to rummage in the bags to find the pet they wanted.
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Goddess and Mitch picked the brown dog, Handsome the gray cat, and Blondie the Pink Elephant.

We recited the Webkinz pledge (provided in my hostess material):

I'll make sure my pet is happy (hold pet into the air)
And With it I will Play (toss pet in the air and catch)
I will learn, have fun and care for it (hug your pet close)
Each and Every Day! (jump up with pet)

Then we watched the DVD provided which gave us parents and the kiddies an overview of the WEBKINZ Jr world.

You can see Mitch and Goddess were very interested.

Then the kids, ran around for an hour while their pets sat watching. Mitch had just come back from the shore and brought his hermit crabs which all the kids, gathered around for another 15 minutes while working on the puppet craft


Although I was unable to use video this time, one mom preferred her child not be on the website my kids will be happy to talk about their WEBKINZ Jr Pets anytime. So, as soon as I can get the video up onto You Tube which was giving me trouble for the past 3 days, I will.

Here are the kids with their puppets.

This was one of the funniest parties ever and my house is soon becoming the house kids want to come to. They always ask what I am reviewing this week.  As you can imagine we had company the next week for 2 days as the guests who were finally around came to collect their pets. Except for Soprano who we went to visit after her dog had puppies. We brought hers to her. Just look at that smile!


Thanks to WEBKINZ Jr, and Mom Select for allowing me to host a super fun, party. I hear that all the kids love their WEBKINZ Jr Pets and take them everywhere.

 Look for a Webkinz Jr., giveaway very soon!


  1. Awww..I would have picked the grey kitty, too :)

  2. I just love these and wish my children were younger to enjoy them!

  3. Anonymous7:35 AM

    My daughter would have loved the puppy! This seemed like a great party. YOU ROCK!

  4. Webkinz and webkinz jrs are awesome. We've got about 200 webbies between me(yes i like them too) and my two kids. My mom also has a few :D


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