Sunday, August 01, 2010

Immortal by Gillian Shields - Gothic Romance

I just finished reading Immortal by Gillian Shields thanks to Harper Teen
and I am excited to get the second part of the story Betrayal which comes out on August 3rd.

Book Description
Wyldcliffe Abbey School for Young Ladies, housed in a Gothic mansion on the bleak northern moors, is elite, expensive, and unwelcoming. When Evie Johnson is torn away from her home by the sea to become the newest scholarship student, she is more isolated than she could have dreamed. Strict teachers, snobbish students, and the oppressive atmosphere of Wyldcliffe leave Evie drowning in loneliness. Evie's only lifeline is Sebastian, a rebellious, mocking, dangerously attractive young man she meets by chance. As Evie's feelings for Sebastian grow with each secret meeting, she starts to fear that he is hiding something about his past. And she is haunted by glimpses of a strange, ghostly girl—a girl who is so eerily like Evie, she could be a sister.

Evie is slowly drawn into a tangled web of past and present that she cannot control. And as the extraordinary, elemental forces of Wyldcliffe rise up like the mighty sea, Evie is faced with an astounding truth about Sebastian, and her own incredible fate.

Gillian Shields's electrifying tale will dazzle readers with suspense, mysticism, and romance.

What I Can Tell You: The story of Evie started out feeling a little familiar. A girl whose mother has passed, father in the military, sick grandma, ends up at a prestigious all girls school. Mean girls make her first few days unbearable, she is befriended by the outcasts, yada, know the drill. But that is where the predicability ends. Evie is different from everyone else, she starts seeing faces that no one else can see. She falls in love with a boy named Sebastian who can only see her at night. She is being warned by disembodied voices about him. Eventually Evie finds herself drawn into a web of past and present that she has cannot control.

I loved how Gillian slowly formed the "friendship/sisterhood/daughters of my daughters" to fit the story. Also, the addition of the journals written in the 1800's allow the story to flow without the need for a lot of back story leaving room for all the secrets of the Abbey. There is a secret society, disappearances, possible murders, family secrets, secret stairways, and that mysterious, first love!

The story is beautifully written and perfect for readers 15+.

Maria's Space high recommends this book.

To buy the book, head over to Amazon

Thanks to Harper Teen for the complimentary copy.


  1. Hi, saw you on Book Blogs:3 This book sounds interesting and the cover looks awesome! Might as well put this on my TBR.

  2. Because of your awesome review, I added it to my new wish list.

  3. You are always one step ahead of me in the book department; my niece just suggested to me that I start this series :)


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