Maria's Space: Memory Rewind - My Babies

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Memory Rewind - My Babies

Here is your chance to use some of those older photos you have on your computer that you may have forgotten about. Post a photo and write a story about it.

Join me and bring back a memory.

They kiddies

Here are my beautiful babies 2006. How stinkin' cute. I love that they are holding hands. Handsome's favorite book at the time was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We have about 5 copies of it big, small, soft cover, hard cover. Everyone bought him one that year.


  1. That is an adorable picture. It's amazing, when they're that little they hold each other's hands and think nothing of being next to each other. I know the age kicks in afterwards and they don't want to even look at each other at that point. But they are close and no matter what nothing can separate brother and sister.

  2. That is very cute! I really love her sweater too.

  3. Lots of great family/friend photo's. Love you blowing out your birthday cake candles. Nice to see a photo of you with some of your family.

  4. Anonymous4:29 PM

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  5. Anonymous1:30 AM

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