Maria's Space: Got Dry Mouth? OraMoist Can Help

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Got Dry Mouth? OraMoist Can Help

Thanks to Family Healthy Network I was able to participate in this campaign from Quantum Health.

What I Can Tell You:
As a child about 10 years old my 7 year old sister told me one morning I had bad breath. You know how they say that we have to be careful what we say because we never know how it will affect someone? Well, this is one of those cases. Something said by an innocent child to another innocent child has affected my entire life. I always chew gum and if I talk to someone, I tend to turn away from their face as not to be so close that they will be able to smell my breath. I am fanatical about breath wash and brushing my teeth so I was really interested in this OraMoist.

I have used these before, I opened the packet and read the instructions. Take out a tablet and place it up by your palate, on the side, pink side up. It will adhere to your mouth for 3 hours. Place it on your finger and place it on your palate holding it the recommended time (a few seconds).  It is not uncomfortable or hard to talk.  I run my tongue over it, it is so smooth. There was a very subtle lemon taste and dissolves in about 2 hours for me probably because I lick it all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Homeopathic medicine is really a normal kind of healing!
    [url=]homeopathic pharmacy[/url]


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