Maria's Space: Minny's Dream A Children's Book About A Young Girl And The Chicken Who Needs Her Help $3.99 On Kindle

Friday, April 03, 2020

Minny's Dream A Children's Book About A Young Girl And The Chicken Who Needs Her Help $3.99 On Kindle

Minny’s Dream: Profound, thought-provoking children’s book exposes the cruelty of the battery cage.

$3.99 on Kindle

Written by activist Clare Druce, this fast-moving adventure story is aimed at the young reader who loves animals.


For the sake of food, millions upon millions of battery hens are abused every day in the UK and around the world. In Minny's Dream eleven-year old Paula stumbles on a battery hen farm. To her utter amazement one little hen, Minny, has the power of speech! And then Paula learns the disturbing truth about a battery hen's life.

Don Rowe, writing in Teaching Citizenship, the journal of the Citizenship Foundation UK , commented:
“To nurture high quality thinking and discussion in citizenship lessons we need good quality stimuli. In “Minny's Dream” we have it in shedloads.”

Author, zoologist and artist Desmond Morris described Minny's Dream in these words: “A vivid story, told from the heart, of the  nightmare world of the battery hen-house.”

Karen Davis, Founder and  President of United Poultry Concerns Inc. USA commented: “Buy this wonderful book with its moral dilemmas about rescuing suffering animals and breaking the law...this book is highly recommended. It's perfect for the intelligent young person in your life and as a gift for the school library. In truth, Minny's Dream is a book for all ages because the story is urgent and the issues are timeless.” 

Synopsis of Minny’s Dream:

Who would believe Paula if she told them she’d had a conversation with a battery hen called Minny? Nobody would! Twelve-year-old Paula Brown is thrilled when she and her parents move from a flat in town to a country cottage. There’s even a farm right next door! And that’s where Paula’s adventures with Minny begin. But Paula can’t tell anyone about her encounter with amazing Minny; it must be kept secret – especially from her new friend Jamie – because it’s Jamie’s father who imprisons a quarter of a million hens in battery cages. Minny knows that Paula is kind, because tears come to her eyes at the sight of thousands of hens cooped up in tiny metal cages. She begs Paula to return to shed 10: ‘You see you’re our only hope,’ she calls down from her cage, high up on the top tier. Secretly,Paula works out a plan to rescue Minny in the dead of night. But has she the courage to face her parents’ anger – not to mention the fury of Farmer Dredge?

Clare Druce writes: My goal in writing Minny's Dream has been to raise awareness in young people about an important and largely hidden issue. In giving Minny the hen the power of speech I've allowed her to tell her own story, a story of the terrible deprivation suffered by billions of hens, right now, on Planet Earth.”

 ‘Minny’s Dream’ is available now:   Also as an ebook.

Published by CatsEye Press.

About the Author:

Clare Druce co-founded the pressure group Chickens' Lib. The group's high-profile campaigning, based on in-depth research, did much to expose the cruelties inherent in intensive farming, both in Britain and across the world. She has written several books on the subject, including  Chickens' Lib, a history of the campaign.

Clare trained in London as a musician and taught the clarinet for some years until the demands of the Chickens' Lib campaign claimed her full attention.

Clare was married to the late musician Duncan Druce and has two daughters. She lives in West Yorkshire.


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