Maria's Space: 23 Things To Do Before You Are 11 1/2 - Fun Book Full of Step-by-Step Instructions of DIY Project

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

23 Things To Do Before You Are 11 1/2 - Fun Book Full of Step-by-Step Instructions of DIY Project

23 Things To Do Before You are 11 1/2
A practical step-by-step guide for things to make in your backyard
John Haslam, Mike Warren

The 411:

This is a great book full of easy to follow step-by-step instruction for DIY projects. This is perfect for the Girl Scout or Boy Scout in your life but it is also good for any child who loves getting their hands dirty and learning some fun things to make all by themselves.

We haven't tried any projects yet but have Spring time plans for a few of them.

I love how they cover so many different things from tying knots to creating a secret book safe right inside your own book.

Each project breaks down your supply list, photo illustrations and a description of each step

The writers do state that most of these projects can be done by an 11 1/2 year old but as a parent I would use my own judgement as their are power tools involved in some.
Great parent/child book.

To Purchase 

Disclaimer:   I received a complimentary copy. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

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