Maria's Space: Keeping Our Homework Pencils Sharp

Monday, October 19, 2015

Keeping Our Homework Pencils Sharp

School has been in session for almost two full months. We sit and do homework every single night. It's a blast. is awful and there are sometimes tears. Right before the tears there is the sound of a pencil breaking because someone has decided it was too hard, they are too tired or whatever other excuse I sometimes hear when someone (Goddess) doesn't want to do homework.

We go through a ton of pencils and my wrist was starting to hurt from all the turning I have to do to re-sharped the pencil that was perfectly fine before we started homework (10 seconds earlier) UGH!

This sharpener has gotten quite a bit of use over the past two days.

You can put 4 AA batteries in it but I choose to charge through USB plug (included). You can also plug it in if you want because it does come with a plug too.

My favorite feature is that you can set the sharpness of your pencil. My daughter is a danger to herself and me when she does her 5th grade homework. It is not easy for her and she is dramatic. She prefers it blunt or I should say, I prefer it blunt so she doesn't hurt herself. It breaks less often. I prefer my pencils as sharp as they can get especially when sketching.

Never have I seen a finer point. I definitely cannot get that with a manual sharpener.

This sharpener is easy to clean, just pop off the clear area where the pencil scraps collect, empty and reattach.

This is also so much quieter. I know the 2nd grade teacher I am currently working with will want to see this. For some reason kids love to sharpen pencils and when one goes up, suddenly three or four need to go up. It is such a distraction. This is so much quieter then the one we use in class now.

Bringing in for her to see this week. I will try to update at the end of the week.

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a product at a discount for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

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