Maria's Space: A Father's Love Through Beautiful Letters To The Kids He Will Never Meet

Sunday, October 04, 2015

A Father's Love Through Beautiful Letters To The Kids He Will Never Meet

The Best Gift is to leave a LEGACY
This Holiday Season Create a "Legacy Life"
Winner of 5 national awards (including the Mother’s Choice Award,) "The Legacy Letters"  Responds to a growing need people have to reconnect with family and friends again.
Live Life to the Fullest” becomes the father’s passionate plea to his family—and to all of us desiring to live the same way.  
Woman’s World Magazine writes, “This inspirational classic is the perfect comfort book for people hungry to find meaning in their lives.”
About "The Legecy Letters"
"The Legacy Letters" is told through a series of personal letters written by a father who would never live to see his children. These letters ultimately serve as the children’s practical, moral and spiritual guidebook for their entire lives as they offer bite size morsels of advice on life, love and everything in between.
The only book in publishing history
to win awards in both fiction and non-fiction categories.  
Why Should You Get This Book?
It is easy to get caught up in our fast-paced, 24/7, technology-drenched society…This back-to-basics book reminds people how to slow down again, be in the moment, and remember what is really important in life.
Combining the best elements of such inspirational bestsellers as Tuesdays with MorrieThe Last Lecture, and Chicken Soup for the Soul, "The Legacy Letters" reads like a true-to-life story and is filled with timeless wisdom for the modern age. 
The Legacy Letters Can Be Purchased at:
About Author Carew Papritz
The Cowboy Philosopher,  also known as Carew Papritz in day-to-day life,  is the author of the multi-award winning book The Legacy Letters. This best-selling author left his career as a filmmaker in Hollywood, and returning to his ranching roots, worked as a cowboy on a cattle ranch in the Southwest where he began writing the book. He is now known as the "Cowboy Philosopher" and  "The Legacy Letters" recently gained notoriety in the press for being the only book in publishing history to win awards for both fiction and non-fiction categories.  A Renaissance Man in an age that lauds the specialist.  
The Huffington Post says Papritz "intrigues and enlightens, charms and catalyzes change for every reader."

The 411 by Maria:

What a beautiful story told in letter form by a father who will never meet his children. A tale filled with love, remembrance and a legacy created out of a selfless heart. 

A man and his wife split. She is pregnant and doesn't share it and he is dying and doesn't share it so he spends his life writing letters his children will open over the course of their life.

The letters are filled with wisdom about life, growing up, becoming a good person, hopes and dreams for the life he wants for them. 

I loved everything about this book which made me rethink how I started out. I was journaling letters to my children before they were born. Then I started the blog and only once in a while write about them. I wanted them to really get to know me. Know what I thought, how I felt and what I wanted for them that they could carry long after I was gone. It is time to get back to that. 

Readers will love reading the heart of this book. Each letter is overstuffed with a father's love! 

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion.  

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