Maria's Space: Get Your Iron Here! GIVEAWAY

Monday, November 05, 2012

Get Your Iron Here! GIVEAWAY

Studies show that 7.8 million women in the United States are iron deficient. That's almost equivalent to the entire New York City population. Staggering, right? And according to the National Institute of Health, seniors, athletes, pregnant women, vegetarians, and menstruating women are at an increased risk.

Feosol Complete is actually the only over-the-counter iron supplement utilizing two different types of iron (heme and non-heme) and it's gentler on sensitive stomachs.

As I have gotten older, I have become the vitamin supplement queen and take something for everything these days. Adding an iron supplement that is gentle on my tummy is exactly what I needed.  I was able to try  NEW! Feosol® Complete with Bifera (30ct Heme/Non heme iron supplement)

Information from Feosol:
Feeling weak and fatigued could over a result of your busy schedule. However, they could also be symptoms of iron deficiency. Iron is vital for maintaining energy levels and good health — but did you know that over 7.8 million women in the United States are iron deficient? Once a doctor diagnoses iron deficiency they often recommend an iron supplement, but up to half of the individuals who take iron supplements experience uncomfortable side effects such as nausea and constipation, causing many to abandon the treatment altogether.

Feosol® Complete with Bifera® is the only iron supplement that combines heme iron (the type of iron you get in red meat) and non-heme iron (similar to the iron found in dark leafy greens). Best of all, it is specially designed with sensitive stomachs in mind. These two forms of iron provide for maximum absorption while minimizing the common uncomfortable side effects such as constipation and nausea.

Feosol® Complete with Bifera is sold at many local retail stores. As with any iron containing product, be sure to keep it out of reach of children to avoid accidental overdose. For more information on Feosol® Complete, as well as purchasing information please visit

The 411:
6 days without electric will have you feeling very weak and fatigued but I felt better than usual. Maybe it was my new influx of multi vitamins and minerals or maybe it was because I have two kids to worry about but whatever it is, with all the work we have had to do inside and outside the house over the past few days should have me looking for a nice, soft place to lay down. However, I feel great!

You can check Feosol out for yourself by requesting some samples on their Iron Sample Request page AND you can enter for your chance to win a bottle of Feosol® Complete! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I take a B-Complex and a multivitamin regularly, along with a few others as needed.

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  2. I am not taking any

  3. I take an adult gummy multi vitamin (don't judge me)

  4. I take vitamin D.

  5. calcium and D3, B-complex

  6. Debbie Kennedy10:54 AM

    I take Omega 3 and multi
    cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com


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