Maria's Space: Vampire Story for The Ages! The Return of Aris by Devin Morgan

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Vampire Story for The Ages! The Return of Aris by Devin Morgan


The 411 by Maria:
I love a good vampire story, romance and mystery. Carlos is sent to Sarah by his Parole Officer Colleen who believes he is a smart, articulate young man who needs guidance and help.

Sarah starts hypnosis with Carlos where he speak of a past life involving Alexander the Great and becoming a vampire after his murder. 

Sarah is convinced his subconscious is the answer to his problems while her uncertainty keeps her guessing. 

I love everything about Sarah and Carlos, this is an interesting take on a vampire story and I cannot wait for part 2. Wonderfully written with you needing more of sexy Carlos.


  1. I love vampire stories too. This book sounds really interesting and I would love to read it.

  2. This looks sooo good! Im reading another vampire series right now thats really great. When Im finished with it I will be looking for another vampire novel to sink my teeth into.. lol yeahhhhh I know I went there sorry! ;-)


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