Maria's Space: Curamin Helps The Pain Go Away

Monday, November 05, 2012

Curamin Helps The Pain Go Away

Age catches up with all of us. I am in pain so much that I have stopped complaining. It doesn't make sense to constantly complain. It annoys people and annoys me so I basically bite the bullet and wonder to myself, "Now What?" If anyone can drum up an ache or pain, it is me. I do all kinds of stupid things forgetting that I am 46, out of shape and out of energy. I am also vertically changed and need to climb and jump up on things to get what I need. Bringing laundry down two flights of stairs for me is like having a 10 year old bring down the laundry for 4 people every week. I also hate doing thousands of trips in and out of the car so I carry all my groceries like a mule so I can limit the trips. It is something my husband has complained about since we got married.

Recently I tried Curamin, an award winning supplement made up by 4 high-powered ingredients: BCM-95 curcumin, boswellia, DLPA and nattokinase which provides effective relief from pain. This fast-acting formula combines ingredients with multiple mechanisms of action to support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response and relieve occasional muscle pain due to exercise and overuse. 


  1. I use heat therapy a lot, but for headaches I use my thumper!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  2. My hubby takes lots of anti inflamatories, chiropractor, and physical therapy.

  3. I suffer through most of them, but use ice packs and a heating pad when necessary.


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