Maria's Space: Limited Edition Friends Prize Pack Giveaway

Friday, November 09, 2012

Limited Edition Friends Prize Pack Giveaway

I LOVE Friends and will watch any rerun anytime I catch it. It is one of those shows that is just timeless and hysterically funny with great characters and I was sad when it was over.

In celebration of The Complete Boxed Series Blu-Ray Box Set hitting the shelves next week on November 13th, I get to giving away a set of  Friends mugs and picture frame like the one that surrounded the peephole on Monica's door's.



  1. I am Ross! ;)
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  2. My favorite is Phoebe, she's hilarious!!

  3. 33% Monica and 33% Rachel!

  4. Anonymous12:43 PM

    More like Joey lol

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you


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