Maria's Space: We LOVE The New Polly Pockets

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We LOVE The New Polly Pockets

As computers, video games and TV become a greater presence in kids' playtime, parents seek out traditional toys to encourage creative, imaginative play opportunities for their daughters. 

Allowing girls to transform ordinary situations into extraordinary adventures,
Polly Pocket's new line of small dolls and play sets continue to offer delightful and unexpected surprises. In response to feedback from moms and girls, the popular doll line now features a new Stick 'n' Play innovation - suction components that ensure a Polly piece won't get lost again. Girls can enjoy the pint-sized fun at home or on the go as you head hit the road for summer travel. 

The 411 by Maria and Goddess:

Maria: I love whenever my kids play unplugged. Toys, puzzles, crayons, chalk, anything that will keep them off the computer or video games I am happy. 

The new Pollys are awesome. We have a ton of Pollys and whenever Goddess played there were so many little pieces that would get lost and found later and the clothes... I loved them but the clothes were really hard for little hands to put on. This is not an issue with the newest Pollys. They are a little bigger and easier for little hands to manipulate as well as the suctions cups attached to each one of the items in the Stick "n" Play playset. Perfect for taking anywhere. You can even take this in an RV for the kids to play with while on a family road trip! Riding down the road, this is the perfect little girl toy. Nice, compact and easily contained. I love this idea even though we don't vacation. Anytime I can keep all the toys contained, together and un-lost, things are good!!!

Goddess: I am having fun with my Pollys. Sometimes I put water in the tub and the hot tub bed. Mom lets me as long as I take it out before I go to bed. I forgot once and the tub got slimy. After that mom said no more unless clean it after each use.  I like these Pollys but like my old Pollys too because they are so pretty. Sometimes it is hard to get the suctions cups off and sometimes they don't stick but than I lick it and they do. Mommy doesn't like when I do that. Oh it was fun to make the video, I want to do another. Mommy said soon. (Typed by Maria as dictated by Goddess)

Our Video Review

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Mattel Polly Pocket. I received a product samples and a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.”

1 comment:

  1. My great-niece will love these...
    Thanks, Cindi


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