Maria's Space: Life As We Know It - Movie Promo Review

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Life As We Know It - Movie Promo Review

About the Movie
After a disastrous first date, the only thing Holly (Katherine Heigl), an up and coming caterer,
and Eric (Josh Duhamel), a network sports director, have in common is their dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter Sophie. But when they suddenly become all Sophie has in the world, Holly and Eric are forced to put their differences aside and juggle career ambitions and competing social calendars to find some common ground while living under one roof. Check out the trailer here.

Thanks to Mom Central I was able to review Life As We Know It starring Josh Duhamel and Katherine Heigl which opens this Friday, October 8th.

I took my niece and we headed to the 7:30 showing. Neither of us are fans of Katherine (we feel she always plays the same role) but we love Josh Duhamel.

The first 15 minutes were a little slow as they set up the storyline. Holly and Eric are set up by their friends. They are hardly a match made in heaven as Josh shows up to their first date dressed like he just got out from underneath a car and she is dressed to impress. They head out and she asks to drive after he hands her a motorcycle helmet. He takes a booty call, call before she even puts the car in park and they spend the next few years hating each other. When they are given custody of their friends baby they must work together to take care of the baby they both love.

There were some very funny scenes, especially as they learn how to be parents to an infant. There were about 35 people at the theater and everyone was laughing some a little too much but hey, they were having fun.

There are some heartwarming scenes and one that made me literally try to hold my tears back. 

All in all it was a feel good, funny, likable movie. There was about 25 minutes that could have easily been cut out and it would have been great. 

My 20 year old niece on the other hand didn't like the movie at all. It may be that I we are seeing it from totally different sides, she is a college student and I am a parent who hates that I even have to think about who I would want to raise my children if something were to happen to me and their daddy.

As a romantic comedy, I give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimer: I received my movie passes through Mom Central.

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