Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - M

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ABC Wednesday - M

This week ABC Wednesday is hosting letter M.

M = Me or Maria whichever you prefer - I was playing with some of the Picnik photo editing techniques and had a lot of fun with these.

Picture 251
Happy Halloween


  1. 1st pic - very nice
    2nd pic - very scary!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Once, I used a picture of myself and added a bunch of different hairstyles. Unfortunately, the ones that were the most flattering were also the ones that took the most time and effort. So I decided to fugedaboudit! lol Yours are lovely - even the Halloween one is a good shot. :D

  3. Roger, awesome. That is exactly what I was going for.

    Leslie, I could play there all day. I love the eye color changing tool. Very cool. Thanks for the comment.

  4. wow,
    those eyes are big,
    unforgettable and creepy post.
    well done!

  5. How very creative... the top one is lovely...the Halloween one, totally cool.

  6. What program is it? I feel an experiment coming on! lol!

    Thanks so much
    Denise ABC Team

  7. Awesome shots Maria!


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