Maria's Space: Somewhere Along The Way by Jodi Thomas + Guest Post by Jodi- Review and Giveaway

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Somewhere Along The Way by Jodi Thomas + Guest Post by Jodi- Review and Giveaway

Back in May, I reviewed Welcome To Harmony by Jodi Thomas.

Somewhere Along The Way is book two of the series and brings us 2 years into the future. This is Jodi Thomas' 30th book and it hits the shelf next week on, November 2, 2010.

Product Description

Second in the trilogy that's captured America's heart.

Now almost eighteen years old, Reagan Trent moved to Harmony, Texas two years ago after hearing elderly nursing home resident Beverly Truman’s stories about her hometown.  There she found a home and a purpose to help other residents; as she was Welcome to Harmony even after her identity was discovered by “Uncle” Jeremiah Truman.

Loner Gabe Leary recovering from injuries suffered in an explosion saves Reagan’s life so she will do anything for him except leave him alone, which is all the man insists he wants.  Lawyer Liz Matheson is attracted to Gabe, who conceals his pre explosion life.  Reagan would like to hook up these two deserving souls.  Finally there are her two best friends, Noah McAllen and Brandon, who each want more from her than friendship.  However, Reagan’s co-worker at the Blue Moon Diner Edith and her abusive husband place Reagan in jeopardy as they did when she was first welcomed to town at the same her beloved Uncle Jeremiah needs his great-niece.

What I Can Tell You: The book can stand on its own but you really should read Welcome to Harmony first so you know the characters, as it is a character drive story.  I love Reagen who has grown to really love being part of her town. She is family now and people in Harmony really care about each other. There are quite a few characters here and you will grow to love all but one. This book had me waiting for the Gabe and Liz scenes. My desire to know more about Gabe and who he was, consumed me and kept me reading.  That, and beside the fact that the characters are amazing and the dialogue is beautifully written.

When Reagen's life is put in jeopardy, I was angry which I am sure a lot of readers will be. She has been through enough and she did nothing wrong. Poor Reagen! She has been to hell and back. My dream is for her to have a beautiful life, with her own business and a family.

Hopefully in book 3, we find out why Kate has been so elusive to Tyler. Poor dude is just waiting and writing by email yet she doesn't respond until page 349. If she stands him up I will be devastated. Please, Jodi...don't make Tyler suffer any more. He is a dedicated guy with a difficult, lonely job.

Check out the awesome book trailer. I love the soundtrack.

GUEST POST FROM JODI (she is happy to be here again!)

Hello from Texas.  I’m happy to stop by and visit with everyone this morning.  After twenty years as a writer, this is my 30th novel and what I believe shows my best writing.  A few years ago I began a series about a small town I set in Texas.  Harmony is the kind of place we all think would be a nice place to live.

The people of Harmony will warm your heart and I hope they’ll be so real you send them a Christmas card. J

SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY is a story about a small Texas town where the people know and care about one another.  From the mysterious Gabe Leary who tries to remain unnoticed because he fears someone from his past is hunting him, to the wild Liz Matheson who is trying to straighten her life out and matter, you’ll enjoy the journey.

Readers will see the story through the eyes of a teenager named Reagan who settled in as part of this town she loves and Tyler, the funeral director.  You’ll fall in love and laugh at Gabe and Liz as they find love.  My characters are not super heroes with magic powers, they are ordinary people living their lives, helping others and sometimes finding a love worth keeping.

Thanks for letting me drop by and thank you for reading.  Writing is a fascinating journey, but if it wasn’t for readers coming along with me it wouldn’t be any fun.

Jodi Thomas

The Giveaway: 1 Winner will receive a copy of Somewhere Along The Way.

The Sponsor: Jodi Thomas and Penguin Group
To Win: Leave me a comment by midnight November 11, 2010

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