Maria's Space: "What are Your 5 Favorite Holiday Activities to do with Your Kids?"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"What are Your 5 Favorite Holiday Activities to do with Your Kids?"

Twitter Mom's is asking the question: What Are Your 5 Favorite Holiday Activities To Do With Your Kids?

1- My favorite thing to do is called 25 Days Of Christmas. I read about it before having kids.  I knew that once I had children it was something that would be fun. Basically, I wrap all our Christmas books and movies and put them in a basket. As the kids get older baby Christmas books and movies will make way for other books or movies. I also put a new ornament in the basket for the tree. Starting December 1st, we draw a name (there are only 2) and let that kid pick the first gift. They alternate nights. They open the gift and we either read or watch the book or movie. It makes Christmas last instead of ending in one day, plus we spend quality family time together. It is my hope that this is something they will continue with their own families.
December 1, 2008 (1)
2-I love taking them to have the picture taken with Santa. It is something I always knew I would do when I had kids. We go early in the season and early in the day. Usually we are the first on line. The kids talk to Santa, we take a picture, walk around the mall, throw pennies in the fountain, look at the puppies, have lunch and head out before 5:00 p.m. traffic.
December 5, 2008 (22)
3-We drive around looking for decorated homes. We love all the lights at night and stop and gaze until we feel we saw it all.

4-Heading out to see my in-laws and my sister is a highlight of our holiday.

5-Baking cookies with my sister-in-law and the kids is one of my kids favorite activities. When Aunt Marta comes everyone is happy.

Watch Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure Dec. 6 on Nickelodeon
Favorite Holiday Activities with Kids

1 comment:

  1. We like some of the same things! It's been a long time but I do remember having so much fun with the boys:
    1. Driving around to see the lights
    2. Watching "It's a Wonderful Life"
    3. Giving them money so they can pick out gifts for people on their list at the school "store"
    4. Baking cookies together, wearing Santa hats & aprons
    5. Going to my SIL's house for a huge family Christmas


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