Maria's Space: The Simple Woman's Daybook

Monday, November 02, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...November 2, 2009 from Maria's Daybook

Outside my window... Cold, crisp and beautiful

I am thinking... That my son sitting on my leg while I try to type is exhausting. He weights 51 pounds and is no longer a baby.

I am thankful for... my children wanting to be near me for I know this will eventually change and I will be begging for their time.

I am wearing... jeans and a cream thermal shirt.

I am remembering...that my husband were on a plane heading to our honeymoon 12 years ago today.

I am going... to try to catch up on a week plus of sick leave from housework.

I am reading... Feddie Girl

I am hoping... that I don't get a call from the school nurse today.

On my mind... the million and one reasons I can't go back to laying down this morning.

From the learning rooms... for my son - reading and comprehension. For my daughter - her alphabet. For myself, trying to create more jewelry using different techniques.

Noticing that... missing a week of life changes everything. The glorious colors of autumn are almost all gone leave the stark trees to brave the winter alone.

Pondering these words..."I don't want to go to school my stomach hurts." Is this a way to get out or am I going to get a call today?

From the kitchen... Nothing. I need to go shopping. We are all out of food.

Around the house... Everything needs to be spruced up from a week plus of dust.

One of my favorite things~ my children waking in the morning and coming to my lap while they are still warm and sleepy from their beds or, in the case of the girl, from my bed.

From my picture journal...

IMG_4496, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.
My children and my girlfriend's kids had a great time this Halloween.


  1. nice post, glad you are feeling better. Love the Halloween Pic.

    Elie (Ellz Readz). Stop by my blog if you get a chance and enter to win a copy of Nicole Peeler's debut novel Tempest Rising.

  2. Nice pic Godess looks shock. Was she tired at this point?

  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Love this picture. The picture is so clear and colorful.

  4. I love this picture! I posted on Flickr too. It is great the background is even perfect. Looks so professional.

  5. What a fantastic photo! The setting is great... Mario & Scooby look great, I love their costumes, but yeah, Goddess looks scared. Did one of the bigger kids scare her? If they did, let me at 'em!! I'll go beat him up!! No one messes with my lil' Goddess!!
    Tell them I think they look terrific.


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