Maria's Space: Take Me Back Tuesday

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday

Way back, 3 years ago or more...I used to do a lot of scrapblogging. It was so much fun and I love the look. Then Scrapblog decided to start charging so I stepped away from it. These sheets of my kids playing in boxes are too cute to me. Don't all kids love boxes?
Cardboard Boxes = Happy Childhood


  1. I didn't even know about scrapbloging. Yours is beautiful. Too bad they're charging now.

  2. That's so sweet - I love that page!

    One of my favorite videos is of one of our little girls being pulled around in a box! :)

  3. I remember playing in a few boxes as a kid myself. I especially liked when my Dad got a new clothes dryer for the house. We used the box it came in to make a pretend bus. Your scrap page is really cute.

  4. I haven't scrapbooked (is that a word) in a long time.
    I miss it. I figure I just have to do it before Cora notices she doesn't have a baby book!

  5. What cute pictures! I still wish I was little enough to play in boxes!

  6. I totally want to learn how to scrapblog! You did a fabulous job and I love those pictures!!!

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  8. OMG, who's babies are those in that orange bin?!?! So cute!

  9. I didn't even know there was such a thing as scrapblogging. I do the regular scrapbookking and love it, but don't have much time for it because I can't sit at the table for that long anymore because of my back and neck.
    Your page is gorgeous (of course) as I would expect from the artist that is YOU! The kids look adorable!
    I remember once when my mom was a Tupperware lady she go a huge order from the company that came in a huge box and I kept the box to play in and slept in in for a week until it fell apart. There were 4 of us girls sharing a room, so it was like my own little space.


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