Maria's Space: Wordless Wednesday - Steel And Stone

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Steel And Stone

You are steel, I am stone. Is it any wonder, we feel alone? We're breaking hearts like we're breaking bone You are steel and I am stone. - Whitesnake
Come on over to Wordless Wednesday to check out some amazing pictures or to play along.


  1. This is very pretty! I like seeing photos in B&W.

  2. very interest B & W photo :D

    I hope you stop at my WW post also: in here or here Thanks

  3. Cool picture. Happy WW! Mine's up over at

  4. Mary, Thanks so much. Me too.

    Juliana, I'll be right over. Thanks for coming by.

    Spice, Thanks so much for taking time to comment. Coming by right now.

  5. Great picture!

    Thanks for visiting my site (the bat cave picture)


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