Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Botanical Garden In August

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Botanical Garden In August

I headed to the Botanical Gardens last week specifically to take pictures for Mary's Ruby Tuesday.

If you want to play along or check out some Ruby Red pictures, join Mary and her minions at her blog.


  1. What a beautiful place! I love that view and it makes me want to step into the picture and go for a long walk among the flowers.

  2. I love it! Such a pretty spot, and I love how you headed out just for Ruby Tuesday. I've become Ruby Tuesday conscious, too.

  3. a lovely place! and I really like the way you set up the photo, with the brillant splash of red in the foreground and then all the dots of red

    great shot!!

  4. It doesn't take but a few red flowers to stand out in a sea of green. Great park, need to have a garden spot to visit to eliminate the constant motion in the five boroughs for a little while...

  5. Mary, Thanks so much. I felt that way too when I took it. That is exactly what I was going for.

    Leora, It was my first attempt of actually going out for a specific photo. It's fun right?

    Dianne, Thanks for checking out my Ruby Tuesday. Happy RT to you.

    Ralph, I agree Ralph. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Boy that looks like a beautiful spot. Lovely photo.


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