Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Girl In A Box

Monday, September 08, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Girl In A Box

Join Mary at Work of the Poet for Ruby Tuesday.

I already used this picture this week on my Week in Pictures meme (join me next week if you so incline on my very first meme) but seriously, she is too cute not to post this picture again.


  1. You are right. She is a cutie pie!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I love comments!

  2. Too adorable. Of course, as Patti and I have been blogging about recently, they grow much too fast...especiall since both are in college now.

    Yours are precious!

  3. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Very cute and with that Ruby background it is good for Ruby Tuesday! have a good week...

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    she's so cute ^_~.

  5. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Very CUTE!


  6. Anonymous6:03 AM

    that's cute! Happy RT! Mine's also up.:-)

  7. Scriber, Oh you are welcome. Thanks for the comment.

    Ralph, Thanks honey. I appreciate that. It goes way too fast.

    Ellen, Thanks and have a wonderful week.

    Ettey, Thank you. She is isn't she?

    Paz, Thank you for checking my Ruby.

    Kerslyn, I will come by. Thanks for stopping over.

  8. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Very cute indeed! a pretty little lady!


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