Maria's Space: Product Review - Kids Fun Cards

Monday, September 22, 2008

Product Review - Kids Fun Cards

Kids Fun Cards are like sending a hug in your kids lunchbox.

Kids Fun Cards, are adorable, funny, kid friendly post cards. You can put them in your kids lunchbox, on their pillow, in the backpack, inside there text book, in an overnight bag or anywhere else they need a special little something from home to make them smile.

My kids, loved the pictures on the Mystical Little People set and laughed as I read them what each card said. I put them on their car seats every morning so they had something to open on the way to Pre-K. They love getting mail.

Since my kids are under the age of 6, I enlisted the help of some friends.

The first has used them with her youngest daughter who is 9 years old (Kitten). Kitten thought they were funny and everyone at her lunch table (especially the boys), thought so too. Kitten's mom says Kitten is keeping all the cards that she gets. My girlfriend has always been a note writter with her family and this is a different way for her to slip a note into her daughter's lunch.

My second girlfriend used them with her 10 year old son. He loved them and his classmates thought they were "cool"!

The cards come in packs of 5, enough for every day of the week. This is a great idea for kids who think finding a love note from mom on a napkin is hokey.

BTW...see Kids Fun Cards for some really inventive lunch ideas such as:

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