Maria's Space: Thursday Thirteen - Thirteen Things to Write About On Thursday Thirteen

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Thirteen Things to Write About On Thursday Thirteen

This week has totally got away from me.
My Thursday Thirteen submission is about 13 things you can write about for Thursday Thirteen.

1. Thirteen Things you wish would be invented.

2. Thirteen things you would pack to take to a bomb shelter.

3. Thirteen reasons to write a Thursday Thirteen post.

4. Thirteen people you could live without.

5. Thirteen books you loved as a child.

6. Thirteen things you want to do tomorrow.

7. Thirteen reasons to not get married.

8. Thirteen reasons to watch or not watch Oprah, Lost, Desperate Housewives or General Hospital.

9. Thirteen songs that periodically get stuck in your head.

10. Thirteen things you would purchase if you were only allowed to think of yourself.

11. Thirteen foods you couldn't live without.

12. Thirteen things you wish your kids would do without you telling them to.

13. Thirteen songs you feel were written just for you.

Visit more Thursday Thirteen participants here.

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