Maria's Space: Logging Food Makes You Full

Sunday, February 09, 2020

Logging Food Makes You Full


Logging Food Makes You Full

So yesterday I wrote about going back to SparkPeople and trying to stick with the whole thing.
I logged my food yesterday and came up about 200 calories short for the day.
Today my lunch put me over the top. It wasn’t a big lunch by any means but it was pizza and according to Sparkpeople my 2 slices of pepperoni pizza bring me 200 calories over the recommended allowance.
The pizza was homemade and the calories logged on Spark are for 2 slices of pepperoni pizza period. I am not sure if that means from a greasy pizzeria or if that means making your own pizza with your own flour, yeast, water, sugar, salt, sauce and pepperoni or perhaps it’s the same thing. Whatever, if I look at the numbers, I am in fact, done for the day.
So no dinner for me! Thankfully we were doing whatever night which basically means I throw two choices to the kids and they get to choose. The girl requested cereal and the boy asked for a bagel and cheese.  Easy as pie. I was only going to have Special K tonight anyway.
Thankfully the Valentines candy is almost gone and if I didn’t have a migraine today (which nothing was helping) I was going to go on the treadmill. Hopefully tomorrow that will happen.
I will have a cup of tea about 7:00 p.m. and try to get another 2 glasses of water in before I turn in for the night. So far I have had 3 glasses of water maybe that is why I am full.

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