Maria's Space: Don't Judge My Cat's Easter Basket

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Don't Judge My Cat's Easter Basket

Seriously! Don't judge us. We had a cat and dog before our kids. We loved them so much but vowed we would wait to get another pet until the kids were older. We are firm believers in the fact that kids need a pet so we got our daughter a guinea pig. It was an OK pet to start with but then we started volunteer at the animal shelter and we fell in love with many cats. SOOOOO on my anniversary last year we brought home Chipolte. Well that was her name when we got her at 7 months old. She quickly become Luna and and we love her. Well, my husband is less in love because her hair is everywhere and he wears dark suits every day. 

With Easter coming up we decided to do a basket for Luna so that the kids could be involved.   What can I say, she is spoiled. 

We love how interested Luna is in her Easter basket. We have had to do an early Easter it was torturing all of us to watch her paw at her goodies for these photos.  She loves everything but especially her new toy fish on a string.

What do you get a cat for Easter?

Well we have a cat tree coming in a day or two from Amazon. We are hoping this keeps her off the dining room table. She likes to look out the sliders and the table is up against them. Hopefully if we move the table and put the tree there she will use the tree. HOPEFULLY!

We have also added:
Catnip toys - Hartz Just For Cats
Treats - Temptations
Food - Delectables from Hartz
A New Collar that glows in the dark

She is a bit spoiled but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have also ordered a bag of corn based litter from World's Best which is what the animal shelter that we volunteer at uses. 
It was really cute to watch her sniff everything. We have finally given in and she has used, tried, eaten, sampled everything in the basket ahead of schedule but like I said, she is spoiled.


  1. That is so cute. I have 12 so an Easter Basket is out of the question, but you did a great job, and Luna looks happy. (

  2. I think it’s cute that Luna got an Easter basket! I should do something like this for our dog Boots.


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