Maria's Space: My Girl In Action

Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Girl In Action

Goddess is like most kids and constantly in motion so she was the perfect muse for this challenge.

I love photos that showcase movement. Here is Goddess last April dancing at the shore line. The water and sand was freezing but it was a beautiful day so those shoes came off and in she went.

This is a shot of my little filly running during last year's field day at school. She looks so tiny here.She took those hurdles like a boss.

Ahhhh my kids love the snow and last year we had quite a bit. It never went away. I believe this year will be the same. UGH..Snow pants this year for myself.


  1. Thank you for joining up with the photo challenge this month! I hope you will join us again! Yes, she is the perfect subject for you to showcase movement. It looks like she doesn't sit still for long, LOL. All of these are mighty fine action shots. I especially love the first one with her long hair waving in the air. Ah, what we wouldn't do to be young and energetic again!

  2. Lots of movement in your photos and the last one is priceless with the look on her face!

  3. These photos show wonderful movement. The swirling hair in the first photo is so striking. You have a good subject for capturing motion.


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