Maria's Space: Top Pool Covers You Need To Own

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Top Pool Covers You Need To Own

When you aren’t in your pool, how are you going to make sure the water stays in pristine condition? You will need a pool cover to help you out. There are plenty of pol covers on the market, but each have pros and cons that you will need to sort out. You need to look at how well they cover the pool, how easy they are to put in place, and how much they cost.

Automatic Covers

Automatic covers are what a lot of people are moving toward because it doesn’t require any physical labor on your part. You simply press a button and a cover goes over the pool. These are more expensive, but it can be a significant time saver. Think of it as a storm shutter for your pool, allowing you to “close” down the pool in seconds.

Another benefit to automatic covers is that you can get into your pool much faster as well. Many of the covers have a roll at the end of the pool where the cover rolls into when it’s not in use. This means you won’t have to waste a lot of precious time trying to figure out where you are going to put your cover once you take it off the pool.

Plastic Covers

Plastic covers have advantages because they are affordable. The only problem is that the water will often seep onto the surface. As more water seeps onto the surface, the cover sinks down further into the pool. This makes it harder to take off because it gets heavier. You will also find that you are emptying half the pool in an effort to take the cover off.

The solution is to look for a plastic cover that has mesh in the middle. This will make sure that water has a place to go. Since water is fluid, it’s going to move around – and you need a cover that understands this.

Hard Covers

Think about what you want to cover the pool for. Is it simply to prevent people and things from getting into the pool when it’s not in use? If you get a hard cover, you can actually stand on top of the pool when it’s not in use. While you might not think you have a purpose for it now, consider how much additional space it can give you on your lanai when you’re having a party if you suddenly don’t have a pool for a night.

A hard pool cover, when you find the right one, will support a significant amount of weight. This means that people can walk right over your pool without even realizing it. This has a lot of advantages – especially when you have a lot of people over and you don’t want everyone hanging out inside your home.

Making the Purchase

You have to make some comparisons when you shop pool covers. Think about what you want your pool cover to do. Look at the following features:

- Automatic versus manual

- Plastic versus hard cover

- Custom shapes

The custom shapes have their own appeal as well. You will spend more on the pool cover (sometimes $2,000 or more), but it will provide you with a lot of features and a lot more protection.

Talk to a few different pool companies and see what they recommend. Most companies will come out at no cost to measure your pool and provide you with a quote. Take advantage of this so you can learn about the different products and what it will cost you specifically for your pool.

You need to be able to cover your pool from time to time, even if it is under a screen. Whether you want people to walk over it or not, you want it to be easy to put on and take off. A custom fit can provide you with a better cover altogether, though if you have a standard size pool in a rectangular or oval shape, you may be lucky enough to find a stock cover that works well. Talk to professionals and find out what is available within your price range so you can decide which one is best for you to own.

Author Bio
Bob Quigly is a landscaping and family fun enthusiast who contributes to many blogs for for swimming pool covers; a personal company here for your family.

Courtesy of


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