Maria's Space: 8 Days In And Already A Sick Day #FHEInsiders

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

8 Days In And Already A Sick Day #FHEInsiders

Well, we are off to a rough start this school year. Handsome already had his first sick day.

We both have a sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, and a sever cough that has left him weezing and me hurting. Oh my aching back!

Thankfully we got through the past two days with the help of Boogie Wipes. As a FHE Insider I received a beautiful box filled with Boogie Wipes and Boogie Mist. Did you even know there was a mist to help those sensitive stuffed noses? I didn't until we opened the box.

Sitting on some brand colored tissue paper and filler were two bottles of Boogie Mist, 2 packages of Boogie Wipes and some pocket sized Boogie Wipes single samples.

Handsome and I have gone through about half a bottle of spray and one whole 30 pack of wipes but you would never see on our nose that we are sick. Both noses look perfect. No chaffing, redness or otherwise.

We love the smell and how they treat our nose with complete sensitivity. The mist works great too. Plus it comes with a Fresh Scent or Grape Scent Schnozzle. Kids will not mind these nose drops, one bit.

With the kids back in school, the weather being completely unpredictable, and cold season coming, I expect we will be replenishing our supply of Boogie Wipes rather soon.

The kids and I highly recommend you have Boogie Wipes on hand. Your kid nose will appreciate it!

Disclaimer: I received a sample of Boogie Wipes and Mist for my honest opinion.

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