Maria's Space: The Croods - Our Pre-Party Planning Is Underway and A GIVEAWAY #TheCroodsDVD @FHEInsiders

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Croods - Our Pre-Party Planning Is Underway and A GIVEAWAY #TheCroodsDVD @FHEInsiders

The movie is coming on October 1st and we are so excited.  The kids and I are hosting a Croods Party this Sunday thanks to 20th Century Fox for 10 of our friends. We will be watching the movie, playing some games and each kid will be going home with a party bag.

None of the children coming to the party have seen the movie so they are all really excited and so am I. It looks hysterical. Have you seen it? Our party is being held at a friend's home. The kids range in age from 3 - 11. We are having a ton of snacks and everyone is bringing something to share.

Here is a clip from the movie.

Want to host your own Croods Party, check out these adorable additions

To Download these for yourself, please go here:

If you are as excited as we are, please enter to win by filling out the Rafflecopter below to win a Croods DVD and Belt Plush valued at over $30.00. Isn't he cute?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I am hosting this party as a FHEInsider. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. For movie parties you just can't go wrong with a big bowl of popcorn.

  2. Sounds like fun! Count me in! I love to have a family movie night.

  3. Lots of snacks, if the snacks match the theme of the movie, even better! :)

  4. Movie-themed snacks like cupcakes.

  5. Lots of different snacks and drinks. And make fun names that go with the theme for them!

  6. Make sure the kiddos have plenty of pillows and stuff to lay on while watching the movie.

  7. Do as much as you can ahead of time so you can enjoy the party too

  8. Prepare snacks the night before so its one less thing to stress over!

  9. Make chocolate coated popcorn. You can pick any color you want too. Here's a good recipe.

  10. Have a pajama party and have all the kids come in their pajamas and have puppy chow for snacking (made with powdered sugar, and rice and wheat chex and it is delicious

  11. try and avoid too many sweet treats.

  12. Get everything prepared ahead of time so you can sit back and enjoy the movie. Distribute bowls of snacks around the room where people can enjoy them whenever they want without too much disruption to the movie. If you have pizza, sliders, or other "major" foods, serve them buffet style away from the line of actions. Of course, keep cold drinks in the refrigerator, but you can have ice and cups with the major foods and 2-L bottles of drinks.

  13. Pick only the best movies, and get lots of snacks, treats, and drinks.

  14. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Make sure to have lots of popcorn, napkins for buttery hands and dollar store candy.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com Merry

  15. pop lots of popcorn and have lots of drinks.

  16. I love lots of snacks and masks sounds like fun! Also dressing like cavemen might be fun!

  17. Make 1 scheduled "pause" point during the movie so everyone has the chance to go to the bathroom or refresh their drinks/snacks. Especially during a long film. There is nothing worse than having several interruptions during a movie. =)

  18. make sure you have lots of good snacks and drinks and lots of pillows to lay around on for the kids... Goodie bags of the movie you are watching does not hurt either kids love cute trinkets

  19. An indoor tent from which they can watch the movie :)

  20. Have tons of snacks!

  21. Have plenty of food, including for guests to take home!

  22. Have plenty of popcorn!

  23. Having individual servings or containers for snacking during the movie is always a good idea.

  24. Use only paper plates, bowls, plastic forks, knives, spoons and plastic cups/glasses, so you won't be stuck with a load of dishes to wash after the party. :-)

    Ronald Oliver

  25. Use only paper plates, bowls, plastic forks, knives, spoons and plastic cups/glasses, so you won't be stuck with a load of dishes to wash after the party. :-)

    Ronald Oliver

  26. Daniel M9:21 PM

    lots of munchies and drinks - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  27. have a game planned for intermission base on the they can get some energy out

  28. lots of popcorn & chips & Dip!

  29. Make treats and desserts the day before so there is no last minute rush.

  30. Give everyone their own container to put dip, salsa and etc in, This insures everyone isnt getting up every few seconds & getting in each others view of the movie.

  31. Always have plenty of snacks like popcorn, chips, & dips too.

  32. Have lots of snacks and games to keep them busy!
    (Tammy Dalley)

  33. Have lots of snacks and games to keep them busy!
    (Tammy Dalley)

  34. Have lots of snacks and games to keep them busy!
    (Tammy Dalley)

  35. Have a variety of different snacks on hand!

  36. it's been so long since we have done a movie night with friends and family, guess I'm getting old

  37. Make it comfortable, Pillows on the floor, blankets, etc.

  38. lots of snacks popcorn chips. etc. thankyou, ken

  39. Serve food and beverages that are easy to prepare in advance. Arrange food and drinks so guests can serve themselves so you can enjoy the party too!

  40. Popcorn and licorice make good snacks for movie night, don't forget some drinks.

  41. cover as much area as you can with plastic table clothes, makes for less work at clean up time

  42. Cassie L2:09 PM

    Everyone loves food!

  43. everyone seems to love a veggie tray

  44. Rent a pop corn machine :)

  45. Make sure there are cupholders available or a flat surface next to every seat.. Otherwise you may end up with spilled drinks everywhere.

  46. Don't skimp on the popcorn, and offer a variety of flavored seasonings!

  47. Keep it simple! Don't over tire yourself so you can enjoy yourself.
    Michelle Tucker


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further