Maria's Space: 50 Shades Of Grey Lovers - Get Your Corset On GIVEAWAY

Thursday, September 05, 2013

50 Shades Of Grey Lovers - Get Your Corset On GIVEAWAY

I have wanted a corset for years. The Renaissance Faire is one of my favorite day trips and see all the beautiful woman wearing theirs and every year I tell myself I am getting one. This is my year. I am doing it!

Sponsored by

Hosted by 

Co-Hostes by 

Two lucky winner will win 

One Corset Chick up to $30


Dates September 5 to September 27

US Resident only

We appreciate the support of our sponsor, please show your support by following them on their social medias pages.

All entries are optional

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:  Maria's Space is not responsible for the awarding of the prize.  Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.  If you have any question about this giveaway, please email the host at

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