Maria's Space: Girly First Chapter Book! Perfect For Reluctant Readers - Kylie Jean Cupcake Queen

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Girly First Chapter Book! Perfect For Reluctant Readers - Kylie Jean Cupcake Queen

When you read and look your books as much as I do, it is hard to have a child who is a reluctant reader. Now that Goddess is 8 years old and in 3rd grade, she is expected to read chapter books in school. However, reading doesn't come easy to my girl which leaves us often in a power struggle when it comes to making her read.

Cupcake Queenby Marci PeschkeIllustrated by Tuesday Mourning 
Ages 6-8
Reading Level 2-3

Kylie Jean needs money, so she decides to start selling cupcakes. But her doggie cupcakes can fund a really important cause—helping orphan dogs at the shelter!

The 411 by Goddess:

(Typed by mom, dictated by Goddess)
When you (my mom) showed me this book I saw it was big and didn't want to read it. There were a lot of pages ( 112). I liked the cover. It was book and has sparkles on it. The cover made me want to try even though I thought it would be way too hard.

It was hard for me. I needed a lot of help with the words but Mommy read a page and I read a page which made it easier. We both liked the way the book started out and from the first sentences I wanted to know more. I love how she calls her dog "Ugly Brother". It is really funny.

In this book Kylie wants to help an animal shelter that is closing. She and her mom bake a lot of treats and sell them. I hope to one day have a stand at a garage sale like Kylie Jean if my mom lets me.

I think my friends will like this book because it is a big girl book and has pictures. Mostly, I think they will like the cover and sparkly it is.

The 411 by Maria:

Goddess was definitely worried about reading this "big" book. I think that she did well considering it was a book that is much longer than she usually reads. We read it in one sitting and I think that was because she was interested in what would happen with Kylie and the animal shelter. I also think she appreciated the occasional picture. Made her think the book wasn't going to be as long and added to the story.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this for my honest opinion.


  1. My niece is 7 and this looks like a book she would absolutely love! Thanks.

  2. My granddaughter is still a bit young for reading yet but having a book like this around when it comes time for her to learn can only be a benefit. The cover is really cute too :)


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