Maria's Space: You Can Now Add Ear Cleaning To Your House Hold Chores

Thursday, October 25, 2012

You Can Now Add Ear Cleaning To Your House Hold Chores

Ok..we are going to go there...are you with me? We are going to talk about ear wax and it is not a subject I enjoy at all.

We all know that we should be sticking anything in our ears but sometimes we need to clean them better than others. Both of my kids have wax buildup the same way their daddy does. We are in the doctors office for ear infections often and usually we hear that their is so much wax in there they can't see anything. Goddess had trouble hearing out of one of her ears for a while and when checked it was confirmed that there was a wax build up so when I heard about WaxVac I was very eager to check it out.

Our routine has been to put peroxide in her ears periodically and allow it to loosen up. There never seems to be a lot of anything. Goddess was eager to be the first to try WaxVac and she actually liked it. Maybe it was the attention but she said, it felt good. I didn't see a lot of anything coming out but I still think it is a good product.

 WaxVac Blurb:

There is nothing worse than getting out of the shower or swimming pool and having water trapped in your ears. Often times, cotton swabs just don’t do the trick and you are left with that annoying feeling for hours. But what if you could get immediate relief in mere seconds? The WaxVac is the perfect solution to this frustrating situation. The WaxVac provides a constant gentle suction that safely removes moisture and dirt particles from the ear canal. WaxVac is the safe and effective way to clean and dry your ears. WaxVac is great for children and is so simple they can use it themselves! Simply attach a silicone tip to the WaxVac and insert it into the ear. WaxVac will gently draw out any dirt or water, without the slightest bit of discomfort.

Look at that price up above. Go ahead, I will wait for you! I know, crazy right, only $10.00. What a great price to try something out and you get one for a friend. Go halfsees with your friend or neighbor and you each can get one so even if you feel it isn't for you, you are only out a few bucks.

Check out the video presentation below:
FYI: The drops I received do not come with the product. You do not need ear drops to use the vaccum.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentry product for my honest opinion.


  1. Interesting product but effective? Not sure ... :) The light is at the wrong end too, it should be next to the little vacuum part so that you can actually see inside the ear.

    1. Carole, We completely agree and that was the first thing we said when we saw it.

  2. Hi Maria,
    I just wanted to say a big thank you for your video review. I've been looking all over for a review of the wax vac but couldn't find one anywhere. has a pretty good write up but no video so I never know if they actually tested the product or not. The only thing I'd still like to know is "Does it work"? I agree for $10 you can't go wrong, buy when you used it did it clean your ears???

    1. Alyson,
      It is hard to say if it truly works because our ears are never dirty enough to see actual wax build up. We do a three times a week peroxide cleanse for the kids which means that when we wipe we should be seeing something. We have nothing.

  3. Anonymous11:26 PM

    It feels good too! I am bringing it to bed with me. ;-)


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