Maria's Space: Kids in Motion

Friday, October 12, 2012

Kids in Motion

Green Friday
Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Getting shots of kids in motion is super easy because well...they never stop moving. Here are a bunch of running, jumping, throwing shots from this month.

A friend hosted a scarecrow building playdate on Columbus Day. Seriously, what do you do on Columbus Day?

These are of Goddess and I on one of our excursions into the world on Football Sunday. It is quickly becoming a tradition of ours. Hopefully I don't lose her to football one day but for now..she is all mine.

It may seem odd but I took her to a cemetery the other day and she loved it. Weird? Maybe but I know a lot of people who enjoy walking through cemeteries and looking at the names and dates of others loved ones. This is something her father and I have done in the past and something I often do alone because I love the peace and quiet but truly do you think they mind the visitors? I bet they are more than happy that we talked, laughed and sometimes even read their names out loud.


  1. Adorei as imagens, a primeira está simplesmente fantástica! Aqui no Brasil ontem foi o Dia das Crianças, imagens bem apropriadas para a data. Eu gosto de observar os túmulos e as datas nos cemitérios, curioso falar sobe isso. Adorei seu blog, um abraço!

    1. Blogger comment translated reads: Loved the pictures, the first is simply fantastic! Here in Brazil yesterday was Children's Day, well appropriate images to date. I like to watch the graves in the cemeteries and dates, curious talk it up. Loved your blog, a hug!

      Thank you so much Bia! I really appreciate the comment and hugs right back

  2. Greetings from Ireland.

    Fantastic photos I love them all.

    Thanks for participating in Green Day at Rainrops and Daisies
    it was lovely having you take part.

    Wishing you a great weekend.


    1. Thanks Fiona. It is a great little Meme

  3. No meu país de origem, Brasil, ontem dia 12 foi comemorado o Dia das Crianças. Temos muitas festas e comemorações por lá nesse dia.
    Amo crianças e essas fotos mostram a alegria estampada no rosto de cada um.
    Eu também gostava de ir aos cemitérios e ficava lendo os nomes, datas e fotos.
    Um lindo Domingo.

    1. Translated: In my home country, Brazil, yesterday the 12th was celebrated Children's Day. We have lots of parties and celebrations there that day.
      I love children and these photos show the joy on the face of each.
      I also like to go to cemeteries and was reading the names, dates and pictures.
      A beautiful Sunday.

      Thanks for visiting. The kids faces are the best part. Love playing in the leaves myself and remember how much I loved it as a kid.

  4. That first shot of the kids with the leaves is great!

    1. One of my faves of the day Kate. Have a great week.


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