Maria's Space: Holiday Gift Idea: Martha & Friends 3 DVD Set

Friday, October 05, 2012

Holiday Gift Idea: Martha & Friends 3 DVD Set


Gaiam Vivendi Entertainment’s release of Martha & Friends: Holiday Collection on store shelves NOW

Martha & Friends: Holiday Collection is part of the vast and highly trusted Martha Stewart brand that reaches over 37 million consumers, teaching lessons on helping others and the benefits of teamwork in a unique and fun way. All three animated specials aired originally on Hallmark Channel during the holiday season to help show the joy and excitement that comes with creating something special at home.

Celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas with 10 year-old Martha Stewart & her friends as they solve Holiday mishaps using their crafty skills. Highlighting teamwork and thoughtfulness, Martha & her friends remind everyone that it’s always special when you do it yourself.

The perfect way to inspire spending quality family time by getting creative, Martha & Friends: Holiday Collection DVD arrives just in time for the gift-giving season.

The 411:
What an awesome DVD set. We had never heard of Martha and Friends before this but we DO love Holiday movies. 

In this DVD collection, you get Martha and her friends enjoying and working together to make a very special Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Martha is a 10 year old Martha Stewart who ha three really good friends she spends all her time with in a very special craft room that at first I assumed was a classroom.  Each episode contains craft and recipe ideas that are easy and fun.

There are great lessons on teamwork and friendship in each movie but Goddess like the Halloween episode the best! She wants to be a vampire for the second year in a row so I was not surprised.

I was also impressed with the colorful cartoon and wish it was on TV as I think more kids would have access to it.

 This set is a great gift idea for kids age 5-10, we loved it and have watched it two times together and Goddess has watched it three times alone so it has become a favorite over the past week!

Enjoy Martha and Friends on AOL Kids and follow on Facebook to keep up with Martha's Holiday ideas.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary DVD for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. Looks like a fun video, it's different. I did not know she made videos like this. Thank you!

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Looks perfect for my kids-thanks for the idea!

    Jennifer Marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  3. Who knew Martha had a kids' cartoon?! Looks cute and wholesome :)


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