Maria's Space: Just A Little Dab & A Rub Will Do Ya! GIVEAWAY

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just A Little Dab & A Rub Will Do Ya! GIVEAWAY

Now that kids are back to school they’ll be sitting at their desks for six or more hours a day, lugging around heavy book bags and backpacks and playing sports. And that means more pains, strains, muscle pulls and playground and sports-related injuries are bound to happen.

In fact, SafeKidsUSA found that 40 percent of all injuries occur at the beginning and the end of the school year and nearly 70 percent occur on public playgrounds.

Parents need to be armed with a safe, fast and natural pain product made just for children to relieve symptoms of pain – products like Topricin Junior Pain Relief and Healing Cream.

Topricin Junior is a pediatrician-recommended natural pain relief and healing cream specially formulated for children that targets pain as it rapidly goes to work helping the body to heal the damage that’s causing the pain.

It contains 14 safe, natural biomedicines that naturally support and assist the body to reduce inflammation, detoxify and stimulate blood flow that increases oxygenation to speed healing and relieve all the aches and pains of life.

Whether it’s a bump or bruise, muscle spasm, cramp, sprain, strain or neck and shoulder pain, minor burn or bug bite, Topricin Junior delivers soothing, rapid relief.

The product is gentle, soothing and moisturizing to the skin and effective on such skin conditions as eczema. It has no odor and uses no volatile oils such as camphor or menthol or contains irritating chemicals.

Its key active ingredients include arnica for injuries and bruising to the muscles and joints, Echinacea to help reduce inflammation and graphites for most skin conditions.

Winner of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved (PTPA™) Seal of Approval, Topricin Junior is a safe, natural alternative to over-the-counter chemical-based pain pills that can have dangerous side effects. And parents can feel good knowing that Topical BioMedics, makers of Topricin Junior, donates 5% of all sales to pediatric cancer care.

Topricin Junior Application Instructions --If your child complains about pains, strains and muscle pulls then generously apply Topricin Junior as needed three inches on and around to affected area/injury for pain relief. Rub in well until absorbed.

--If your child is involved with sports, Topricin Junior can be applied before as well as after activity to help reduce/eliminate the risk of pain or injury.

--For best results, apply evenings, morning/after bathing and 3 – 4 or more times during the day as needed.

Topricin Junior’s convenient 1.5-ounce tube (MSRP $12.99) is just the right size to keep on hand when injuries happen and can be easily stored in the medicine cabinet, first aid kit, glove compartment, sports bag, backpack or purse.

The product is available in pharmacies, natural food stores, and other fine retailers nationwide, including Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, Vitamin World, Fred Meyer, Wegmans, and other retail stores throughout the U.S., as well as direct from the Topical BioMedics’ online store.

To learn more about Topricin Junior, go to

The 411 by Maria and Kids

Now, I am not big on the whole why factor. I am not a doctor so to try and explain why this works would be a big disservice to my readers. So, here is what I know:

  • We do not like pain!
  • We don't believe in too much medicine in this house. We definitely don't over medicate. And always question doctors when they want to prescribe us antibiotics.
  • We don't like pills!
  • We appreciate medications that are homeopathic
  • This stuff works
  • You put it on your skin and in less than 15 minutes you feel so much better
  • I wish we could buy a truck load and hand it out to my family and friend
  • You do not need a prescription! Woot!
  • The topical creams are grease less, odorless and do not irritate

The product contains 11 homeopathic remedies that boost blood flow to the damaged joint.

Topricin is FDA approved and was awarded the 2010 Parent Tested/Parent Approved Seal of Approval.

Topricin is safe for diabetics and there is even a Topricin Junior for children and was included in the Goodie Bags of the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards.

Teach, the kids and  I, highly recommend this product! It is my go to product when anyone complains about a pain in their ankle, knee, wrist, neck and back. I use it on my left hand all the time. I have pain issues with my thumb down to my wrist. A little dab and a rub and it doesn't hurt anymore. What more could I ask for?! This stuff is the best and after sending my samples to my dad, it has become his go to cream too!

For more information head over to and follow them on Facebook.

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Disclaimer: I received complimentary samples of Topricin to facilitate this review. I did not receive any monetary compensation and these opinions are of this blog only.

1 comment:

  1. I like that the Topricin is moisturizing, non-irritating, odorless & greaseless.


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