Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday "L"

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

ABC Wednesday "L"

This week ABC Wednesday is hosting letter "L"

L = Love

I love you
I love this picture of my two babies loving each other.

L = Littlest Pet Shop Animals
A Bunny
Goddess loves her Littlest Pet Shop pets.

L = Lifting
Ready for the throw
My son is only 6 but lifting him has become quite the job.

L = Little Lady
Poser Girl

My baby...


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    AWWWWW I love the picture of the kids hugging!! Too cute!!

  2. Love is the best L! Someone else did love today too. Your baby is darling.

  3. Very sweet !
    MckLinky has internal problems, now I put up another.

  4. Your Little Lady is just adorable. You are in soooo much trouble when she hits 16 years old. :-)

  5. The two children hugging is very sweet!

  6. loving the hugging!

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!


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