Maria's Space: Free Shipping on Friends Forever Girls Until Dec 5th

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Free Shipping on Friends Forever Girls Until Dec 5th

If you have had a chance to check out some of my 2009 Holiday picks you would have
noticed Friends Forever Girls.

These dolls are awesome and this year I would like to get Kristina for Goddess. Check out my review of the dolls here complete with photos and video of our doll.

Friends Forever Girls would love to help my readers this holiday season with free shipping on the dolls for the girl on your list. Just use code RESHIP from now until 12/5.


  1. I liked it. I liked your style, it sounded very unique and it kept my interest. You set a very unique atmosphere around your writing and I loved your amount of description. Your writing was very visual and I enjoyed it. Also, you have a very originbal idea that has potential, great job.

  2. Yes, I agree with that males tend to keep their friends longer. From a very young age, girls are mean and cause drama. Also, as a girl, I find myself longing for a friend that I can confide in.

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Not sure what the person before me is talking about but these dolls are really cute. wish I had a girl to buy one for.

    Will pass the code on to my girlfriend who may have little ones to buy for.

  4. Wow--those dolls are beautiful but I will wait until my daughter is a bit older before shelling out $59 for one! Someday though....


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