Maria's Space: Welch’s Fruit Snacks Are The Perfect Back To School Snacks For In School or Remote Learning

Monday, September 07, 2020

Welch’s Fruit Snacks Are The Perfect Back To School Snacks For In School or Remote Learning

I know many of you are either back to school or gearing up for tomorrow’s back to school like my kids. This school year will look very different from the past. Many kids are either fully remote learning, partial remote learning with some in school days. While in school their day will be very different in most part as well. Lunch time where kids did much of their socializing will now happen in their classroom and they will have to keep their distance. Doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun to me.  Snacks to go with their lunch is just that extra special treat to tell them you are thinking of them. From my two high schoolers to my 2-3 year old toddlers in my preschool class Fruit Snacks are a favorite. 

TEST Welch’s Fruit Snacks: Available in a variety of delicious flavors, made with REAL fruit, no preservatives and fat free, Welch’s Fruit Snacks are perfect for the whole family to enjoy whether in school or out!

Anytime I ask my kids for a lists of what they want me to grab at the supermarket for snack, I am know that fruit snacks will always be on it!

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