Maria's Space: Struggling with the Start of School While Working Remotely? How to Strike the Balance

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Struggling with the Start of School While Working Remotely? How to Strike the Balance

Thanks to Annie Spratt for sharing their work on Unsplash.

Parents must realize that for them, working a consistent 9-5 schedule may not be feasible, and should find ways to adapt. Everyone’s productivity peaks at different times and most managers will know that. If you’re in a role that can be done remotely, there’s a good chance your hours can be flexible and that signing on early, taking a break mid-day, and then signing off later could work. Speak with your manager candidly and find a system that works for you to get your job done well while also balancing responsibilities that could come up with home life and parenting. Lunch breaks and check-ins to make sure your children are handling virtual school can be quick while also effective.

If your kids are in virtual school either every day or some days, create a separate space that they can work from. Getting your kids involved in setting up their space is a great way to make it fun and engaging for them. For example, one of The Soul Publishing’s popular YouTube channels Slick Slime Sam has this video with ideas for fun ways younger kids can keep their school supplies organized. Beyond getting creative and colorful, setting up a classroom experience that feels as normal as possible is also crucial. Not only should your child be at a desk or table, but putting a screen up in front of them can be helpful in order to mimic the feeling of looking up at a teacher at chalkboard. Make sure there isn’t a TV or other obvious distraction nearby if you can.


Learn to embrace screen time for your kids. Learning can go beyond the classroom, and especially without art class, kids need a way to express their creativity. Get involved in your kids’ day-to-day education and assign art projects to keep their creative juices flowing. Fun craft ideas can be found everywhere from The Soul Publishing’s 5 Minute Crafts YouTube channel to Pinterest or Instagram.  


Align your lunch hour with your kids’ breaks to make the most of your time together. Not only is this helpful for you to decompress, but it’s also a great way to speak with your kids about what they’re learning. With gym class canceled, you can consider going for a walk with together or taking an online workout class to keep your kids - and yourself - active and moving.

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