Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures June 1 - June 11

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My Life In Pictures June 1 - June 11

June 1 - June 3 - It has been crazy lately. Semi Formal things, late nights, work and school coming to a close and volunteer work at the shelter. Soooo we didn't take a single photo which is crazy to me.

June 4- Our deck garden is growing. My husband is constantly shifting and re-potting as the plants grow.

June 5 I started couponing and while I don't feel this is an amazing haul I was proud of it. My trip to Walgreens was to get these items specifically. The Total was $24.29. What do you think? I got those 4 paper products, 2 hair products, gum and a pair of socks.  

June 6 - While taking photos of a farm stand items this butterfly decided to land on this angel stone. I took it as a divinity sign as I had been thinking of my dad who was sick at the time and in the hospital. I was told that I may want to say goodbye.  He is since home and while not wonderfully healthy. HOME!

June 7 - My girl came to work with me and drew an adorable cat on my dry erase board. My toddlers noticed it immediately. They notice every "new" thing in the room.

June 8 - My Dollar General Haul ended up being way more impressive that my last haul and was done with digital and paper coupons. The total was only $21.78. Not as good as what I see online but I was proud.  

June 9 - Set up my office outside for the day. It was only about 6:00 am and the whole house was sleeping.

June 10 - Me in a snapchat filter always makes me smile. I wish my skin was as smooth.

June 11 - I took 100 photos of my girl before her Junior Leadership Dinner in this hand-me-down dress but they are mostly out of focus because she was so nervous about having to make a speech (she ended up not as they gave her a choice). Most of them were of her with her arms up to her face. Turning away or just whizzing by. This one is out of focus but I love it so much.

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