Maria's Space: What is Driving Today's Youth to Run Away: NY Expert Gets to Bottom of Epidemic

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What is Driving Today's Youth to Run Away: NY Expert Gets to Bottom of Epidemic

Imagine your young child leaving home, alone, scared, hungry and with nowhere to go?  Their motivation must be strong and staying must not be an option to them. New York media veteran and nationally recognized, award-winning child advocate, Steve Simpson can explain what drives all of these children away. He was one of them.  For instance, childhood experiences that lead to low self-esteem and possibly running away include:
  1. Being harshly criticized
  2. Being yelled at, or beaten
  3. Being ignored, ridiculed or teased (social media)
  4. Being expected to be ‘perfect’ all the time
  5. Experiencing failures in sports and/or school
Steve Simpson wants to help child abuse victims, like himself, find help and hope this holiday season and during (November) Runaway Prevention Month. It wont be an easy story to develop, but it will be inspirational and perhaps life-saving.

He has also created The Teenage and Young Adult Survival Handbook -- a small guide that is included in all four of his YA adventure novels which covers most of the topics plaguing young people today—suicide, bullying, sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, self-worth, being the child of an addict, living in a dysfunctional home, surviving school and more. Please let me know if you’d like to talk to Simpson who will help shed light on the abuse epidemic and offer tips to survive. Thanks for your time today!

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