Maria's Space: How To Find Yourself Again!

Sunday, October 02, 2016

How To Find Yourself Again!

Vitality. Passion. Tranquility. Do any of these words currently describe you?
Finding Mom will reawaken your dreams and help you to find and reinvent yourself.

Sometimes we love being a mom, but get frustrated when motherhood takes over our life. You are a mom and so much more. That’s why it’s important to start your journey to find your purpose beyond just being a mom. Learn the secrets to finding “me time” in even your busiest days. Uncover and recover your unique mom personality with a personality quiz. Create a sustainable and effective plan for your future that your family will support. No matter how busy you are, how many kids you have, or how young your children are, this book makes finding fulfillment possible for you.

What are you waiting for? Make a difference in your life and start finding yourself today!

The 411: 

This self help book isn't necessary for moms. There are tips and suggestions that anyone who wants to live their best life can benefit from.  

How many of us really know ourselves? I feel as if I know myself however that didn't happen until I was in my mid 30s. BUT am I living my best life? The answer is NO! There is so much more I want out of my life and I believe Amanda Mawhinney's Finding Mom is a great way to start. It is not that I don't have me time. I do. My kids have been used to me being "unavailable" from a young age. As a blogger especially in the beginning, I spent a lot of time on the computer and have mapped out time for me. Getting time alone is not the problem for me. I have passion, tranquility and many opportunities to do what I want to do. Now I just have to do it.

Amanda's book breaks everything down. First she talks about taking time for yourself. Mapping out that "me time" and making sure you get it.  Being a Mom is the most important thing to me for me there is nothing else. Amanda explains why it is so important to be MORE than a MOM.  Being the best me is good for me and for my family.

There are also many questions and exercises in the book that help you rediscover, reinvent or even just get to know yourself:
  • Personal Development Questions
  • SWOT Analysis which are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (the things that are holding you back.)
  • Personality Quiz 
  • Family Personality Questions and how these different personalities interact which was probably my favorite part of the book and extremely useful. 
  • The Johairi Window (open area, blind area, hiddenarea, and unknown area) - Great exercise
  • Goal Planning Worksheets
There is even a breakdown of the different personalities like whether you are people or task driven. A Director, Influencer, Manager, Satisfier or Helper. Like for instance I learned my husband is a manager and I am a satisfier which isn't a bad mix unless they are not communicating enough. After reading thoroughly the description of the two personalities together, it is completely accurate in my opinion.

"While these two personalities complement each other well on opposite sides of the personality

matrix, there can be problems if there isn’t a lot of communication between the two. Satisfiers

are usually looking for more interactions than managers are used to giving and may feel

unappreciated or ignored if a manager doesn’t communicate with them regularly. To resolve this,

satisfiers have to realize that interacting socially isn’t a manager’s strong suit and managers need

to make a solid effort to interact positively more often. Managers can try starting with small talk

instead of just jumping in to what needs to be done. Satisfiers can make a point of initiating a

more people -directed relationship by directly asking a manager how they are feeling about a

particular subject or upcoming event."

The book is laid out in a easy to read, self help format that and real language that you don't need a doctorate to read.

If you buy yourself one book this year; make it this one!

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary e-book for my honest opinion. . My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. I am not employed by any company I review for. No monetary compensation was received.

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