Maria's Space: The Best Cookie Dough I've Ever Had #hamptoncreek

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

The Best Cookie Dough I've Ever Had #hamptoncreek

Over the Summer we reviewed Just Mayo by Hampton Creek which we loved!  This time we got to review Just Cookie Dough.

OK, lets start with this...who wouldn't LOVE to review Cookie Dough!? Who? I was so excited when I opened the box to see this jar. This beautiful jar with the egg and plant logo. 

Just Cookie Dough is dairy free, allergy free, and cholesterol free.

We opened and, smelled it and started reading. Wait, the label says Eat It Raw!? Hold on. Let me read more. There are no raw eggs in it. My 9 year old, Goddess grabs a spoon and I say, no wait...let's not start because we won't be able to stop. I close it and open it again. "OK, lets go for it. Grab your spoon." We go in and take a spoon full. It is delicious. Sweet, full of crunchy chocolate chips, creamy, simply heaven. We both comment on how many chocolate chips there are. She goes to get another spoon full and I tell her we will make them later and one spoon full is enough. 

After dinner I grab the cookie sheet. I look around to see if she is around and I grab another spoon full. One for the pan and one for momma I say as I place my cookie ball on the cookie sheet.

They bake up wonderfully and so quick. Amazingly you can get quite a few cookies out of this jar even with all the spoonfuls I grab over the next few days.  We even make some for Santa and more importantly to this review is that my chocolate hating son Handsome, loves them. He does not eat any chocolate but asked for these every night.

The hardest thing about Just Cookie Dough is literally getting it to the cookie sheet because you simply want to put the spoon in your mouth!

When it was gone we reminded ourselves that we would be able to get more because you can get Hampton Creek at a local store near us. Woot! Woot!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

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