Maria's Space: My 9 Year Old Shows Me A Glimpse Into Her Social Life

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My 9 Year Old Shows Me A Glimpse Into Her Social Life

Well it's not normal that a 9 year old has a social life that her parents don't know about however in December Goddess was invited to attend a church party where she would go alone, have breakfast with Santa, take a photo with Santa, make a cookie, go shopping for her family and basically have a grand old time where I wouldn't be even a fly on the wall.

Our town is amazing and has all kinds of programs for kids and families. This one invites the oldest from the family to attend however Handsome didn't want to and Goddess was all for it. At first I was really nervous. I wouldn't know a soul involved and was going to send my daughter alone?

So, what's a mom to do?  I handed Goddess my old, broken screen camera and told her she wouldn't be able to view the photos but to please take as many as she could so I could see what her day was like. She was so excited which made me excited.

Fortunately I have a friend who was also invited and we met up the morning of the party telling both our girls they were to stay together. I couldn't get myself to leave the parking lot and stayed the whole time which was from 8:30 to 12:00.

Goddess had an amazing time and came home with a huge bag of wrapped gifts from Santa, a cookie she decorated, a photo of her with Santa and a $25 gift card to Shoprite.

This is the table the kids got to choose from for the gifts for their families

Some festive colored balloons

A sweet little decoration on a wall. I love that she though to take a photo of it

She decorated a Christmas Tree cookie. This is how it was boxed to go home
These cadets asked her to take their photo
 I believe this was at the end when all the kids were sitting in the church watching Elf on the church wall. Very cute!

The bags set up for Santa to hand out
She ate that huge cookie all by herself
All little blurry but her photo with Santa which at on our tree until we took the tree down

I loved looking at all her photos. She took about 25 and did a pretty good job getting the kids playing games, eating pancakes and joking around. So happy she did this all by herself. I would never have when I was her age. Hopefully next year Handsome will want to experience it.

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