Maria's Space: Through My Lens - It's Summer And We Are Feeling Fine

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Through My Lens - It's Summer And We Are Feeling Fine

We are on day 3 of our Summer vacation and I am praying the Summer shapes up to be a good one. The kids last day was Thursday and so far so good. We have two additional kids in the house for the Summer and I am trying to come up with things that everyone likes and keeps everyone busy and happy.

 Friday I took my kids to the park in the morning so they could start their first day of Summer vacation outdoors from morning till night. We went to Burger King for a quick breakfast, stopped out one of our favorite parks and the headed to the beach.

 Here is my Goddess enjoying the merry-go-round.

This little doll was left behind probably the day before and we found it a little creepy but I just had to give her a spin.

Can she do it? Yes, she can and while she was so nervous so did it for 2 seconds so I could take a photo.

The lake was crisp and clear. It was a great day. The water was so clear and while we ended up with a whole lot of cloud cover about an hour in, we enjoyed ourselves.

The sand bags are a necessity to keep the beach from eroding and at least this year they are green. Not such an eye sore.


  1. fun photography and beautiful young lady ~ thanks, xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you. We love spending time together.

  2. That looks like a very beautiful spot


    1. Molly, it is really a great place to swim. Yesterday we only got in about 45 minutes due to weather and today looks like we may not get any at all but we are hoping.

  3. I am sure you and your goddess will find lots of fun things to do all summer.. I love these photos, enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Thanks so much Eileen!
      We hope to as well. Yesterday and Today the weather is blah but hopefully more good days are coming.
      Have a great week.


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