Maria's Space: Tissue Box Easter Basket

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tissue Box Easter Basket

Last month my not so artistic son told me he needed to make an Easter basket for a class project. His teacher was going to have all the kids bring in snacks to fill each others baskets. Such a cute idea but he was super stressed because he finds art very difficult and always has. This year his teacher has been great because she believes that a lot of fun has been taken out of the day to day schooling and taught her entire class to sew. They sow something every month. I will have to take a photo of the back of his door to post.

I gave him a tissue box that I had put wire through as a handle. Here is how he decorated it.

This was the tape to make sure my wire handles held up.

He was very proud of it and it is still hanging up in his room!


  1. Hi Maria,

    He should be proud! What an excellent idea to MAKE rather than BUY. I'm glad he has a teacher who goes a bit "outside the box." Thanks for sharing today.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

    1. Thanks so much. He loved reading this. His teacher asked they make Easter baskets out of whatever, they could even use a basket but decorate it as an Easter basket. He was so happy to read your message.

  2. He did a great job! So cheery and the pom poms look like little Easter eggs! Give him a high five for me!

    1. He loved reading your message Sarah and when he was putting the poms on, I thought, wow he has a lot of poms on there but he was gluing away and I let it be.

  3. Replies
    1. I tell him all the time that art just is. Go for it and you will never be wrong.

  4. What a great job! He has good reason to be proud!

    1. Thanks Betty! He is loving these messages

  5. What a cute idea and yours turned out great.

    1. Thanks so much. Tissue boxes are multi purpose. :)

  6. This is a great idea and is so cute. I am going to look for things like this now that my grandson is getting older. He is 3 now and I love doing crafty things like this. Thanks for sharing too! Rita Spratlen

    1. Enjoy spending time with your little grandson Rita. He will love it.

  7. I love all the colors! That is the happiest. most cheerful looking Easter basket I've ever seen :)


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